The Team Trust Survey is a free tool you can use to find out how trust -- or the lack of it -- affects the way people engage, decide, produce, innovate, and share in one another's success.
Download the Survey, learn about it on this website, and share it with your colleagues. Start the conversation.
Explore the survey with your teammates to answer questions such as:
Our team is performing acceptably. So how do we begin to take our team to its full potentials?
We are consciously working to build our trust levels and team performance. What will help us the most?
We are already an extraordinary team. Where can we go from here?
We have conflicts, disrespect, and "undiscussables" causing tension for us. What can we do about it?
The situation is out of control and we feel 'dysfunctional.' Now what?
Basic instructions for how to take the survey are included in the survey document. You can also access the Video Tutorials and FAQ sections of this website for additional information on:
• how to rate and score the survey.
• how to interpret the survey results
• how to engage a team in productive discussions about trust
In addition, check out the Team Trust Survey Workbook as a helpful tool to start your team development effort and keep it going — while the Reaching Out to Build Trust section provides guidance to help you start a one-on-one trust building conversation.
The survey is a pdf document that takes only a few minutes to complete, then self-populates your ratings into a score sheet that you can save and print.
Please Note: While you can review the survey as a webpage, it will not self-populate or save your ratings -- you must download and reopen the survey in a pdf reader first.
(If you need a free pdf reader, you can get Adobe Reader here.)
Your privacy is protected. No data entered onto the form is preserved on this or any other site. If you like, you can download a manual pdf version of the survey suitable to print and complete by hand -- simply access the link on page 3 of the self-populating version you can download.
Should you have questions or comments please directly contact Dan Oestreich, the tool's creator. Dan has been a consultant and facilitator specializing in trust issues for over twenty-five years. He is co-author of two books on speaking up at work, Driving Fear Out of the Workplace and The Courageous Messenger. You can find more about Dan and the full range of his work on his danieloestreich.com (Oestreich Associates) website.
In order to foster broad distribution, this survey is available to anyone or any team for non-commercial use. There are no charges of any kind to download or to share the survey so long as this is not done for personal financial gain. Free use is perfectly acceptable by individuals and teams for personal learning and self-initiated team development efforts. Under no circumstances may the survey document be sold. Please respect the integrity of the tool by not making derivative versions, republishing the survey, setting up a separate download site, or otherwise violate terms of use by advertising or using the survey as the basis for consulting, facilitation or other human resources/organization development services unless you are registered.